Box Corers
Designed for oceanographic deployment up to 5000m however, they have also been used for sampling deep lake sediments.
 | Box Corer Deployment |
Double Spade Box Corers - Manufactured in mild steel, galvanized finish with an internal 316 stainless steel box/cabinet and a stainless steel yoke. These are provided with a stand, and lead ballast ingot weights. The following sizes are available. Sampling areas of :
300mm x 300mm x 1m high box cabinet
0.1m sq x 1m high box cabinet
500mm x 500mm x 1.2m high box cabinet
Single Spade Box Corers - Manufactured in mild steel, galvanized finish with a removable stainless steel box cabinet measuring 300mm x 300mm x 300mm high provided with lead ballast ingot weights. (Other box cabinet size measurements are
available on request).
 single spade box corer |
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We manufacture an extensive range of corers, designed for both marine and freshwater use, denoted by (M) or (F).
 | Multi Corer |
Multi Corers (M) - Mounted on a mild steel frame, galvanized finish with a 316 stainless steel RAM and tube frame, with stainless steel components and acrylic tubes, holding 4 corer tubes, 500mm in length. (Other versions are available, holding 6, 8
and 10 corer tubes with the option of varying tube lengths. These are mounted on larger frames than that in the photograph).
 | Gravity Corer |
Gravity Corers (M) - Manufactured in mild steel with varying corer barrel lengths between 1m and 6m, and a range of barrel diameters. Supplied complete with core liners, cutters and catchers. These can also be adapted to be used as Piston corers and supplied with stainless steel releaser mechanisms.
Craib Corer (M) - Manufactured in brass and mounted on a mild steel, galvanized finish frame and supplied with a range of acrylic tubes.
Mini Mackereth Corer (F) - Manufactured in UPVC and aluminium with an acrylic corer tube 1m long, and pneumatic control system. (We can also manufacture bespoke Mackereth pneumatic corers with up to 6m long core tubes).
Jenkin Surface Mud Sampler (F) - Manufactured in aluminium and stainless steel with an acrylic corer tube for water interface sampling.
Livingston Corer (F) - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, 1m barrel, 54.76mm ID, complete with extension poles and jacking handle.
Liquid Nitrogen Corer (F) - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, 1.3m long, 54.76mm ID.
Gilson Corer (M and F) - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel and brass with removable, acrylic corer tubes, 300mm and 470mm in length, 55mm ID. Available for rope and pole operation.
Lune Corer (F) - Pole operated, manufactured in brass with acrylic corer tube, 55mm ID and a series of extension poles for deployment.
Intertidal Corer (Marine Coastal) - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with sampling areas of either 0.01m sq, or 0.1m sq.
Intertidal Box Corer (Marine Coastal) - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 0.1m sq.
Giant Gravity Corers and Piston Corers (M) - These items can be manufactured against customers� individual specifications. We have manufactured barrel lengths up to 32m and gravity corer weights of up to 10 tonnes.
We can also provide hydraulic extruder systems for most of our corers.
 craib corer |
 mackereth corer |
 gilson corer |
 jenkin corer |
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Designed for large freshwater bodies, estuaries and offshore coastal environments. Principally used for benthic and epifaunal trawls.
Long Harness Biological Dredge - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 200mm in depth, 500mm in width. Provided with chaffer sheets and harness with removable net bags.
Short Harness Biological Dredge - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 200mm in depth, 500mm in width. Provided with chaffer sheets and harness with removable net bags.
Naturalists' Dredge - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, sampling area 100mm high, 305mm wide with removable collection bag, cod end bottles and bridle.
Anchor Dredge - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 200mm in depth, 500mm in width. Provided with chaffer sheets and adjustable towing frame, with removable net bags.
 anchor dredge |
 naturalists dredge |
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Grab Samplers
We manufacture an extensive range of Grab samplers designed for the qualitative and quantitative sampling of freshwater and marine sediments.
Van Veen Grabs - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with hinged access lids in the tops of the buckets and provision for lead ballast weights on both the backs of the buckets and the arms.
Our range of Van Veen grabs is available in the following sampling areas � 0.025m sq, 0.045m sq, 0.1m sq, 0.2m sq, and 0.3m sq, together with a Double Van Veen (2 x 0.1m sq Van Veens mounted alongside each other).
Ekman Grab - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, designed for either rope or pole operation with a sampling area of 225cm sq, complete with access lids and mild steel weights.
Peterson Type Grabs - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, supplied with lead ballast weights, with sampling areas of 0.05m sq and 0.1m sq.
Ponar Type Grabs - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, supplied with lead ballast weights, with sampling areas of 0.05m sq and 0.1m sq.
Day Grab - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel, with a sampling area of 0.1m sq. The option of lead ballast weights and landing table.
 | Smith Mcintyre |
Smith McIntyre - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 0.1m sq. The option of lead ballast weights and landing table.
Shipeck Grab - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 0.042m sq. The option of a landing table.
 | Mini Hamon Grab |
Hamon Grab - Manufactured in mild steel, galvanized finish with a 316 stainless steel bucket. Sampling area 0.1m sq, 15L capacity, provided with a stand, with the option of additional lead ballast weights. (Other capacities and sampling area options are available).
Bucket Sieves - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a removable 1000 micron mesh stainless steel gauze base. (Mesh size options are available).
We can also provide sieving tables.
 van veen grab |
 Ekman Grab |
 Peterson Grab |
 Ponar Grab |
 Day Grab |
 Shipeck Grab |
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Invertebrate Samplers
We manufacture the following items to order as standard products:
 | Bou Rouch Pump |
Bou Rouch Sampling Pump - Manufactured in UPVC, with a stainless steel probe, collection bag and other ancillary items.
Modified Surber Sampler - With a sampling area of 305mm x 305mm, manufactured in 316 stainless steel and UPVC, complete with collection bag.
Kick Net Sampler - Supplied with 1000 micron mesh bag (soft material). Other mesh options are available.
Air Lift Sampler - These are available tailored to client�s individual requirements.
 Surber Sampler |
 Kick Net Sampler |
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Peat Corers
 | Peat Corer Open |
PEAT CORER - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with sampling barrel/chamber lengths of 500mm and 1000mm, ID 54.76mm, provided with aluminium extension poles, T handle and stainless steel jacking handles.
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We manufacture a range of standard design Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Tow Nets. These nets are mounted on stainless steel hoops with diameter options of ; 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 500mm and 1000mm.
Mesh sizes are available from 10 micron to 1000 micron.
We also offer a range of Flow Meters, Bridles, Depressors, Plankton Net buckets, Closure Mechanisms and Bottles for our range of Nets.
There is also the option of stainless steel towing hoops onto which the net can be clamped, enabling an option of nets to be interchanged onto the same hoop. These are available in 600mm diameter and 1000mm diameter.
Mini Bongo net options are available incorporating the 300mm and 500mm diameter standard nets above, mounted as a pair of nets on a single towing frame.
Secchi Disc manufactured in UVPC as a black and white quadrant, with stainless steel weight and calibrated lowering rope.
As agents for Hydro Bios, we can also offer their following nets:
- Neuston net acc. to David/Hempel Model 300
- Speed Plankton Collection �Nackthai�
- Nansen Closing Net
- Hamburg Net
- WP2 Closing Net
- Bongo Net
- Apstein Nets
- Indian Ocean Standard Net
- Multiple Plankton Net Systems, Midi, Maxi and Mammoth, together with onboard sensor packages.
- V-Fin Depressors in varying sizes.
We are also able to provide a range of Multi Sediment Traps.
 Plankton Net |
 Plankton Net Large |
 Secchi Disc |
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Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Examination Accessories
Bogoroff Troughs - Manufactured in acrylic. 2 channel and 6 channel.
Zooplankton Counting Disc - Manufactured in acrylic.
Tubular Plankton Chambers - With stainless steel bases and acrylic tubes. 5ml, 10ml, 15ml and 25ml capacities.
Sedgwick Rafters - Glass and Perspex, 1ml capacity.
As Agents for Hydro Bios we can also offer their following examination accessories:
- Combined Plate Chamber
- Kolkwitz Counting Chamber
- Plunger Sampling Pipette acc. Hensen
- Folsoms Plankton Divider
 Bogoroff Trough |
 Counting Disc |
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The range of Water Samplers we can offer are designed for both freshwater and marine use and are deployed by either a rope or cable and activated using a messenger (unless otherwise stated below).
Ruttner Water Samplers - Manufactured in either brass, stainless steel or PTFE with acrylic bodies, vertical deployment, 1L, 2L and 3L capacity (80mm OD).
 | Van Dorn Water Sampler |
Van Dorn Water Samplers - Mounted on a stainless steel frame, with UPVC components and acrylic bodies, horizontal and vertical deployment, 1L, 2L and 3L capacity.
Marpet Water Sampler - Manufactured in UVPC with a 500ml capacity, removable glass bottle. Vertical deployment.
Plastic Water Samplers - Manufactured in UPVC (also with a UPVC non clear body), vertical deployment, 1.7L, 2.5L, 3.5L, 5.0L, 10L and 30L capacity.
 | Kemmerer Water Sampler |
Kemmerer Type Water Sampler - Manufactured in UPVC with clear acrylic body, vertical deployment, 1.5L capacity.
Column Water Sampler - Manufactured in UVPC, obtaining a 10m horizon of water from the water column. Complete with automatic foot valve and closure taps.
Bailer (also know as Dipper or Well Sampler) - Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with internal UPVC valves, 250ml capacity, vertical deployment.
Phil Sampler - Pole operated (this does not require a messenger), manufactured in stainless steel, UPVC with a removable 500ml glass collection bottle.
Bank Sampler - Pole operated, manufactured in UPVC, and aluminium with a removable 1L plastic bottle.
 Ruttner Water Sampler |
 Marpet Water Sampler |
 Plastic Water Sampler |
 Column Water Sampler |
 Phil Sampler |
 Bailer |
Duncan & Associates can manufacture customized winches and counters for deploying the above samplers if required.
As Agents for Hydro Bios we can also offer the following Water Samplers, which include: Multi Water Samplers holding 6, 12, 18 or 24 bottle configurations with sensor systems if required, the Limnos and Multi Limnos Water Sampler, Mercos Water Sampler, IWS and Free Flow Water Sampler (for specifications refer to : and for queries and quotations contact :
 Multi Water Sampler |
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Oceanographic and limnological research is becoming more complex as researchers� strive to understand and monitor new environmental phenomena.
The increasing development of industrial processes globally, coupled with our historical industrial legacy involving toxic and environmentally hazardous waste bi-products, continue to be an area impacting upon the freshwater and marine environment.
 | Catamaran |
 | Plastics Debris |
These evolving areas of research require bespoke items of equipment to support the monitoring and sampling progammes. We have, over the years, worked alongside researchers to develop and update various items of equipment to fulfill their specific needs.
Please see below some examples:
- Filter Bed Corer
- Filter Bed Expansion Tool
- Debris Collector
- Vacuum Corer
We have also manufactured sediment collection systems, re-circulating Flumes for the examination of invertebrates, experimental freshwater mussel hatchery facility, customized many of our Grabs and Water Samplers as well as incorporating systems for filming our Grab Samplers in operation.
 Filter Bed Corer |
 Filter Bed Expansion Tool |
 Vacuum Corer |